#e <t>writing<au>Saint Luke<tit>Gospel according to Luke<d>61(2)
#e <t>writing<au>Saint Luke<tit>Acts<d>64(1)
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>apostle<n>Saint John<b>5(5)<d>100(5)<c>Jerusalem<dep>70<c>Ephesus<info>John was one of the twelve apostles. His father's name was Zebedee, and his brother James was also one of the twelve.
#e <t>writing<au>Saint John<tit>Gospel according to John<d>70(15)
#e <t>writing<au>Saint John<tit>I, II & III John<d>90(5)
#e <t>writing<au>Saint John<tit>Revelation of John<d>95(2)
// Writers of other epistles
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>apostle<n>Saint James<b>1(5)<d>62(1)<c>Jerusalem<info>James was the brother of Christ and Jude (and is not to be confused with the two apostles named James who were both among the twelve). He did not believe in Christ until after Christ's death.
#e <t>writing<au>Saint James<tit>James<d>48(2)
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>apostle<n>Saint Peter<b>1(5)<d>67(1)<info>Peter was martyred during Nero's reign<c>Jerusalem // CAW: d. 64
#e <t>writing<tit>Hebrews<d>68 Jan(12)<c>Rome<info>The author was either Barnabas or Apollos.
#e <t>writing<tit>Jude<d>70(5)<info>The author of this book is Jude, the brother of Christ
// Other apostles
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>apostle<n>James, son of Zebedee<b>1(5)<d>44<info>James the son of Zebedee was one of the twelve apostles. His brother John was also among the twelve. (This James is not to be confused with James the brother of Christ, or James son of Alphaeus.)
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>apostle<n>James, son of Alphaeus<b>1(5)<d>60(20)<info>James the son of Alphaeus was one of the twelve apostles. (He is not to be confused with the other two men named James in the New Testament.)